Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Week ?

Wow it been a really long time since I have last posted. This is really a combination of things mostly that I have gotten tired of wriing practically the same thing every week and that cooking ingeneral has slowed down. I have still been trying new meal and remaking old ones but the fact that I have found is that after you learn the basics there just isnt much else to do. You can try new meals but you can just as easily eat a new meal. There isnt any new experience or knowledge base coming in a this point and Im starting to lose interest. In reality cooking has become much more of a chore than it has become anything that I would want to continue. Maybe it will change later on in life but right now it is just one moret hing I have to do in a day and I dont look forward to it at all. I planted a garden finally but it is slow and I dont expect to see anything for a few weeks at least.

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