Sunday, January 30, 2011

Week 1

This week I began my project to learn to cook. I want to learn to cook healthy meals so that I can become more self sufficient and to stay away from the pre-cooked preservatives filled meals that I have begun to live on. I have noticed over the last year I have started to eat worse and worse. I have been eating fast food more and more and I really need to change this. On the other hand I have been working out more, so physically I am in better shape but that is only half of the work. I need to be able to feed myself clean healthy food. I wasn't able to start a routine of cooking this week but I worked out many of the details that I am going to use later on. I have found a Betty Crocker cookbook that I will be using along with a few recipes that I have found online. I have decided that Monday through Friday I will make one meal per night for dinner then on Saturday I will make a dessert of some sorts and then take a break on Sundays. Next week will really start to get busy as next week will be the first week in my life where I will cook every meal for myself. I also need to start my spice garden and research a few mini projects. Well this is it, I'm finally starting so wish me luck and we will see how this goes.

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